"Discover purpose, belong to more."
Brookridge is a church in Plover, Wisconsin that creates experiences to help the community discover their purpose and belonging to more.
The previous (Grace Baptist Church) had been in ministry for 40+ years. As time passed and leaders trickled in and out, caring visions and inconsistent messaging did not match the new energy of the church.
Thursdays & Co. was asked to create a brand identity and growth strategy to connect with the local community.
If Brookridge was going to reach the community, we needed to find where the church’s vision overlapped with the internal & external desires of their community. Social listening revealed:
Brand Identity & Logo Design
Capitalizing on the church’s geographical location in the city, we created a brand identity around the subdivision neighboring the church’s property - Brookridge. Thursdays & Co. embraced the natural water elements found in the area with the sandstone that overlays the church’s exterior to create a logo that was brand ownable.
By inviting the community to discover their purpose, we uniquely positioned Brookridge to create experiences that leave people feeling they belong to something more.
Discover Purpose Belong to More.
“Thursdays walked us through a full rebrand. They truly understood what we needed to be relevant in our community.
- Brian, Lead Pastor at Brookridge Church